Before KAIST
1. S.J.Kim, H.J.Shin, Y.C.Kim, D.S.Lee, J.W.Yang (2000) Isolation and purification of methyl mercaptan oxidase from Rhodococcus rhodochrousfor mercaptan
detection, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering 5 : 465-468.
2. Y.C.Kim, P.Ludovice, M.Prausnitz (2007) Transdermal delivery enhanced by magainin pore-forming peptide, Journal of Controlled Release 22 : 375-383.
3. Y.C.Kim, J.H.Park, P.Ludovice, M.Prausnitz (2008) Synergistic enhancement of skin permeability by N-lauroylsarcosine and ethanol, International
Journal of Pharmaceutics 352 : 129–138.
4. Y.C.Kim, P.Ludovice, M.Prausnitz (2008) Optimization of transdermal delivery using magainin pore-forming peptide, Journal of Physics and Chemistry
of Solids 69 : 1560-1563.
5. J.H.Park, J.W.Lee, Y.C.Kim, M.R.Prausnitz (2008) The effect of heat on skin permeability, International Journal of Pharmaceutics 359 : 94-103.
6. Y.C.Kim, S.Late, A.Banga, P.Ludovice, M.Prausnitz (2008) Biochemical enhancement of transdermal delivery with magainin peptide: Modification of
electrostatic interactions by changing pH, International Journal of Pharmaceutics 362 : 20-28.
7. F.S.Quan, Y.C.Kim*, D.G.Yoo, R.W.Compans, M.R.Prausnitz, S.M.Kang (2009) Stabilization of influenza vaccine enhances protection by microneedle delivery
in the skin, Plos ONE 4 : e7152.
8. Y.C.Kim, F.S.Quan, D.G.Yoo, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang, M.R.Prausnitz (2009) Improved influenza vaccination in the skin using vaccine coated-
microneedles, Vaccine 27 : 6932-6938.
9. Y.C.Kim, F.S.Quan, D.G.Yoo, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang, M.R.Prausnitz (2010) Enhanced memory responses to H1N1 influenza vaccinationin the skin using
vaccine coated-microneedles, Journal of Infectious Disease 201 : 190-198.
10. Y.C.Kim, F.S.Quan, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang, M.R.Prausnitz (2010) Formulation and coating of microneedles with inactivated influenza virus to improve
vaccine stability and immunogenicity, Journal of Controlled Release 142 : 187-195.
11. S.O.Choi, Y.C.Kim, J.H.Park, J.Hutcheson, H.S. Gill, Y.-K. Yoon, M.R. Prausnitz, and M.G. Allen (2010) An electrically active microneedle array for
electroporation, Biomedical Microdevices 12 : 263-273.
12. Y.C. Kim, F.S.Quan, J.M.Song, A.Vunnava, D.G.Yoo, K.M. Park, R.W.Compans, S. M. Kang, M. R. Prausnitz (2010) Influenza immunizationwith trehalose-
stabilized virus-like particle vaccine using microneedles., Procedia in Vaccinology 2: 17-21.
13. F.S.Quan, Y.C.Kim*, A. Vunnava, D.G.Yoo, J.M.Song, M.R.Prausnitz, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang (2010) Intradermal vaccination with influenza VLPs using
microneedles induces superior protection to intramuscular immunization, Journal of Virology 84 : 7760-7769.
14. M.Pearton, S.M.Kang, J.M.Song, Y.C.Kim, F.S.Quan, M.Ivory, R.W.Compans, M.R.Prausnitz, J.C.Birchall (2010) Influenza virus-like particles coated onto
microneedles can elicit stimulatory effects on Langerhans cells in human skin, Vaccine 28 : 6104-6113.
15. J.M.Song, Y.C.Kim, A.S.Lipatov, M.Pearton, C.T.Davis, K.M.Park, L.M.Chen, F.S.Quan, J.Birchall, R.O.Donis, M.R.Prausnitz, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang (2010)
Microneedle delivery of virus-like particles to the skin induces long-lasting protective immunity against H5N1 influenza virus,Clinical and Vaccine
Immunology 17 : 1381-1389.
16. Y.C.Kim, P.Ludovice, M.Prausnitz (2010) Transdermal delivery enhanced by antimicrobial peptides, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology,
6 : 612-620.
17. Y.C.Kim, F.S.Quan, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang, M.R.Prausnitz (2010) Fomulation of microneedles coated withvirus-like particle influenza vaccine,
AAPS PharmSciTech, 11 : 1193-1201
18. F.S.Quan, Y.C.Kim*, R.W.Compans, M.R.Prausnitz, S.M.Kang (2010) Dose sparing microneedles vaccination with H1 influenza VLPs,
Journal of Controlled Release, 147 : 326-332.
19. J.M.Song, Y.C.Kim, P.G.Barlow, M.J.Hossain, K.M.Park, R.O.Donis, M.R.Prausnitz, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang (2010) Improved protection against avian
influenza H5N1 virus by a single vaccination with virus-like particles in skin using microneedles, Antiviral Research, 88 : 244-247.
20. Y.C.Kim, F.S.Quan, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang, M.R.Prausnitz (2011) Long-term storage and stability kinetics of influenza vaccines using coated
microneedle, Pharmaceutical Research, 28 : 135-144.
21. Y.C.Kim, M.R.Prausnitz (2011) Enabling skin vaccination using new delivery technologies, Drug Delivery and Translational Research,1:7-12.
22. Y.Hiraishi, S.Nandakumar, S.O.Choi, J.W.Lee, Y.C.Kim, J.E.Posey, S.B.Sable, M.R. Prausnitz (2011) Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination using a
microneedle patch, Vaccine, 29 : 2626-2636.
23. E.G.González, Y.C.Kim, T.J.Speaker, R.P.Hickerson, R.Spitler, J.C.Birchall, M.F.Lara, R.Hu, Y.Liang, N.K.Smith, M.R.Prausnitz, C.H.Contag, L.M.Milstone,
R.L.Kaspar (2011) Visualization of plasmid delivery to keratinocytes in mouse and human epidermis, Scientific Reports, 1:158.
24. Y.C.Kim, D.Zehrung, J.Courtney, S.Mitragotri, M.R.Prausnitz (2012) Delivery systems for intradermal vaccination, Current Topics in Microbiology and
Immunology, 351 : 77-112
25. S.O.Choi, Y.C.Kim, J.W.Lee, J.H.Park, M.R.Prausnitz, M.G.Allen (2012) Intracellular protein delivery and gene transfection by electroporation using a
microneedle electrode array, Small, 8 : 1081-1091.
26. S.M.Kang, J.M.Song, Y.C.Kim (2012) Novel influenza vaccinations, Expert Review of Vaccines, 11 : 547-560.
27. Y.C.Kim, J.M.Song, A.S.Lipatov, S.O.Choi, J.W.Lee, R.O.Donis, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang, M.R.Prausnitz (2012) Increased immunogenicity of avian influenza
DNA vaccine delivered to the skin using a microneedle patch, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 81 : 239-247.
28. J.M.Song, Y.C.Kim*, R.W.Compans, M.R.Prausnitz, S.M.Kang (2012) DNA vaccination in the skin using microneedles improves protection against
influenza, Molecular Therapy, 20 : 1472-1480.
29. Y.C.Kim^, J.H.Park, M.R.Prausnitz (2012) Microneedles for drug and vaccine delivery, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 64 : 1547-1568.
30. A. Suresh, Y.C.Kim^ (2013) Translocation of Cell Penetrating Peptides on Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Biotechnology and Bioengineering,
110 : 2795-2801.
31. Y.C.Kim^, D.G.Yoo, R.W.Compans, S.M.Kang, M.R.Prausnitz (2013) Cross-protection by co-immunization with influenza hemagglutinin DNA and inactivated
virus vaccine using coated microneedles, Journal of Controlled Release, 172 : 579-588.
32. K.Y.Jeon, A. Suresh, Y.C.Kim^ (2013) Highly-efficient molecular delivery into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by electroporation, The Korean Journal of
Chemical Engineering, 30 : 1626-1630.
33. F.S.Quan, Y.C.Kim*, J.M.Song, R.W.Compans, M.R.Prausnitz, S.M.Kang (2013) Long-term protective immunity from an influenza virus-like particle vaccine
administered with a microneedle patch, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 20 : 1433-1439.
34. H.Y.Seok, Y.C.Kim^ (2013) Microneedles to overcome skin barriers, The Journal of Skin Barrier Research, 15 : 34-40. (Invited Review)
35. N.J. Kim, G.W.Park*, J.Kang, Y.C.Kim, H.N.Chang (2013) Volatile fatty acid production from lignocellulosic biomass by lime pretreatment and its
applications to industrial biotechnology, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering, 18: 1163-1168.
36. A. Suresh, C. Seo, H.N.Chang, Y.C.Kim^ (2013) Improved volatile fatty acid and biomethane production from lipid extracted microalgal biomass residue
(LEµABR) through pretreatment, Bioresource Technology, 149 : 590-594.
37. H. Suh, J. Shin, Y.C.Kim^ (2014) Microneedle patches for vaccine delivery, Clinical and Experimental Vaccine Research (Invited Review), 3 : 42-49.
38. C.Seo, H.W.Lee, A.Suresh, J.W.Yang, J.K.Jung, Y.C.Kim^ (2014) Improvement of fermentative production of exopolysaccharides fromAureobasidium
pullulans under various conditions, The Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 31 : 1433-1437.
39. H.Y.Seok, H. Suh, S. Baek, Y.C.Kim^ (2014) Microneedle applications for DNA vaccine delivery to the skin, Methods in Molecular Biology,
1143: 141-158.
40. G.W.Park, Q. Fei, K.Jung, H.N. Chang, Y.C. Kim, N.J. Kim, J.D. Choi, S. Kim, J. Cho (2014) Volatile fatty acids derived from waste organics provide an
economical carbon source for microbial lipids/biodiesel production, Biotechnology Journal, 9 : 1536-1546
41. D.Y.Lee, K.Choe, Y.J.Jeong, J.Yoo, S.M.Lee, J.H.Park, P.Kim, Y.C.Kim^ (2015) Establishment of controlled insulin delivery system using glucose-
responsive double-layered nanogel, RSC Advance, 5 : 14482-14491.
42. N. S.Rejinold, R.Jayakumar, Y.C.Kim^ (2015) Radio frequency responsive nano-biomaterials for cancer therapy, Journal of Controlled Release,
204 : 85-97.
43. K.Jung, W.Kim, G.W.Park, C.Seo, H.N. Chang, Y.C. Kim^ (2015) Optimization of volatile fatty acids and hydrogen production from saccharina japonica
acidogenesis and molecular analysis of resulting microbial communities, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 99 : 3327-3337
44. K.Jung, J.Choi, D.Lee, C.Seo, J.W.Lee, S.Y.Lee, H.N. Chang, Y.C. Kim^ (2015) Permeation characteristics of volatile fatty aids solution by forward
osmosis, Process Biochemistry, 50 : 669-677
45. G.W.Park, C.Seo, K.Jung, H.N. Chang, W.Kim, Y.C. Kim^ (2015) A comprehensive study on volatile fatty acids production from rice straw coupled with
microbial community analysis, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 38 : 1157-1166
46. J.H.Shin, J.K.Park, D.H.Lee, F.S.Quan, C.S.Song, Y.C.Kim^ (2015) Microneedle vaccination elicits superior protection and antibody response over intranasal
vaccination against swine-origin influenza A (H1N1) in mice, Plos ONE, 10(6) : e0130684
47. G.W.Park, I.Kim, K.Jung, C.Seo, J.I.Han, H.N. Chang, Y.C. Kim^(2015) Enhancement of volatile fatty acids production from rice straw via digestion with
chemical pretreatment, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering, 38 : 1623-1627
48. S.Kang, K.H.Kim, Y.C.Kim^ (2015) A novel electroporation system for efficient molecular delivery into Chlamydomonas reinhardtii with a 3-dimensional
microelectrode, Scientific Reports, 5 : 15835
49. N. S.Rejinold, J.Shin, H.Y.Seok, Y.C.Kim (2016) Biomedical applications of microneedles for therapeutics: Recent advancements and implications in drug
delivery, Expert opinion on Drug Delivery, 13: 109-131
50. J.D.Membrebe, N.Yoon, M.Hong, H.Lee, K.Park, S.H.Seo, I.Yoon, S.Yoo, Y.C.Kim^, J.Ahn (2016) Protective efficacy of Streptococcus iniae derived enolase
against Streptococcal infection in the zebrafish model, Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 170: 25-29
51. C.Seo, W.Kim, H.N.Chang, J.I.Han, Y.C.Kim^ (2016) Comprehensive study on volatile fatty acids production from Ettlia sp. residue with molecular analysis
of microbial community, Algal Research, 17: 161-167
52. S.J.Kim, J.H.Shin, J.Y.Noh, C.S.Song, Y.C.Kim^ (2016) Development of the novel coating formulations for skin vaccination using stainless steel
microneedle, Drug Delivery and Translational Research 6: 486-491
53. C.Jeong, J.Yoo, D.Y.Lee, Y.C. Kim^ (2016) A branched TAT cell-penetrating peptide as a novel delivery carrier for the efficient gene transfection,
Biomaterial Research 20 : 28
54. S.M.Lee, Y.C.Kim, J.H.Park (2016) Zein-Alginate Based Oral Drug Delivery Systems: Protection and Release of Therapeutic Proteins, International
Journal of Pharmaceutics, 515 : 300-306
55. Y.C.Kim, S.H.Lee, W.H.Choi,J.H.Lee, F.S.Quan (2016) Microneedle delivery of trivalent influenza vaccine to the skin induces long-term cross-protection,
Journal of Drug Targeting, 24 : 943-951
56. J.Yoo, D.Y.Lee, V.Gujrati, N.S.Rejinold, K.M.Lekshmi, S.Uthaman, C.Jeong, I.K.Park, S.Jon, Y.C. Kim^ (2017) Bioreducible branched poly(modified
nona-arginine) cell-penetrating peptide as a novel gene delivery platform, Journal of Controlled Release, 246 : 142-154
57. S. Baek, J.Shin, Y.C.Kim^ (2017) Drug-coated microneedles for rapid and painless local anesthesia, Biomedical Microdevices, 19 : 2
58. Y.J.Jeong, D.Y.Lee, K.Choe, H.Ahn, P.Kim, J.H.Park, Y.C.Kim^ (2017) Polypeptide-based polyelectrolyte complexes overcoming the biological
barriers of oral insulin delivery, Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry, 48 : 79-87
59. D.Y.Lee, M.Nurunnabi, S.H.Kang, M.Nafiujjamane, K.M.Huh, Y.K.Lee, Y.C.Kim^ (2017) Oral gavage delivery of PR8 antigen with β-glucan conjugated GRGDS carrier to enhance M-cell targeting ability and induce immunity, Biomacromolecules, 18 : 1172-1179
60. S.Kang, A. Suresh, Y.C.Kim^ (2017) A highly efficient cell penetrating peptide pVEC-mediated protein delivery system into microalgae, Algal Research, 24: 360-367
61. G.W. Park, H.N. Chang, K. Jung, C. Seo, Y.C.Kim, J.H. Choi, H.C. Woo, I. Hwang (2017) Production of microbial lipid by Cryptococcus curvatus on rice
straw hydrolysates, Process Biochemistry 56 : 147-153
62. C.I. Shin, S.D.Jeong, N.S.Rejinold, Y.C. Kim^ (2017) Microneedles for vaccine delivery: challenges and future perspectives, Therapeutic Delivery,
8 : 447–460
63. D.Y.Lee, I.Noh, J.Yoo, N. S.Rejinold, Y.C.Kim^ (2017) pH-controllable cell-penetrating polypeptide that exhibits cancer targeting,
Acta Biomaterialia, 57 : 187-196
64. D.Y.Jung, N.S.Rejinold, J.E.Kwak, S.H.Park, Y.C.Kim^ (2017) Nano-patterning of stainless steel microneedle surface for improving dip-coating
efficiency of DNA vaccine, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 159 : 54-61
65. D.Y.Lee, S.H.Lee, Y.Na, I.Noh, J.H. Ha, J.Yoo, H.B. Bang, J.H. Park, K.J. Jeong, C.O Yun, Y.C.Kim^ (2017) Conformation-switchable helical
polypeptide eliciting selective pro-apoptotic activity for cancer therapy, Journal of Controlled Release, 264 : 24-33
66. J.Yoo, N.S.Rejinold, D.Y.Lee, S.Jon, Y.C. Kim^ (2017) Protease-activatable cell-penetrating peptide possessing ROS-triggered phase transition for
enhanced cancer therapy, Journal of Controlled Release, 264 : 89-101
67. H.Y.Seok, J.Y.Noh, D.Y.Lee, S.J.Kim,C.S.Song, Y.C.Kim^ (2017) Effective humoral immune response from a H1N1 DNA vaccine delivered to the skin
by microneedles coated with PLGA-based cationic nanoparticles, Journal of Controlled Release, 265 : 66-74
68. J.H. Park, M.A. Choi, Y.J. Kim, Y.C. Kim, Y.K. Chang, K.J. Jeong (2017) Engineering of Klebsiella oxytoca for production of 2,3-butanediol via simultaneous
utilization of sugars from a Golenkinia sp. hydrolysate, Bioresource Technology, 245 : 1386-1392
69. J.H.Shin, J.Y.Noh, K.H.Kim, J.K.Park, J.H.Lee, S.D.Jeong, D.Y.Jung, C.S.Song, Y.C.Kim^ (2017) Effect of zymosan and poly (I:C) adjuvants on responses
to microneedle immunization coated with whole inactivated influenza vaccine, Journal of Controlled Release, 265 : 83-92
70. H.Lee, J.Park, Y.C. Kim^ (2018) Enhanced transdermal delivery with less irritation by magainin pore-forming peptide with a N-Lauroylsarcosine and
sorbitan monolaurate mixture, Drug Delivery and Translational Research 8: 54-63
71. H.G. Kim, D.L. Gater, Y.C.Kim^ (2018) Development of transdermal Vitamin-D3 (VD3) delivery system using combinations of PLGA nanoparticles and
microneedles, Drug Delivery and Translational Research 8 : 281-290
72. I.Noh, D.Y.Lee, H.Kim, C.Jeong,Y.Lee, J.O.Ahn, H.Hyun, J.H.Park, Y.C.Kim^ (2018) Enhanced Photodynamic Cancer Treatment by Mitochondria- Targeting and Brominated Near-Infrared fluorophores, Advanced Science, 1700481
73. K.H.Kim, K.Lee, H.Hong, D.Yang, W.H.Ryu, O.Nam, Y.C.Kim^ (2018) Functionalized inclined-GaN based nanoneedles, Journal of Industrial &
Engineering Chemistry 59 : 184-191
74. S. Lee, L. Al-Kaabi, A. Mawart, A. Khandoker, H. Alsafar, H.F. Jelinek, K. Khalaf, J.H. Park, Y.C. Kim (2018) Ultrasound-mediated drug delivery by gas bubbles
generated from a chemical reaction, Journal of Drug Targeting 26 : 172-181
75. N. S.Rejinold, Y. Han, J.Yoo, H.Y.Seok, J.H.Park, Y.C.Kim^ (2018) Evaluation of multifunctional cell penetrating peptide coated Mn:ZnS nanoparticles
for improved paclitaxel delivery to cancer cells, Scientific Reports 8: 1899
76. E.J.Hong, D.Y.Lee, Y.C.Kim^, M.S.Shim (2018) Cancer-specific pro-oxidant therapy using pH-responsive polypeptide micelles encapsulating
piperlongumine, Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 63: 57-64
77. H.Y.Seok, N. S.Rejinold, K.M.Lekshmi, K.Cherukula, I.K.Park, Y.C.Kim^ (2018) CD44 targeting biocompatible and biodegradable hyaluronic acid
cross-linked zein nanogels for curcumin delivery to cancer cells, Journal of Controlled Release 280: 20-30
78. W. Jeon, Y.C.Kim, M.Hong, S.Rejinold, K.Park, S.Yoo, H.W.Lee, J.Ahn, I.Yoon (2018) Microcrystalline cellulose for delivery of recombinant protein-based
antigen against erysipelas in mice, BioMed Research International 2018 : 767505
79. D.Y.Lee, N. S.Rejinold, S.D.Jeong, Y.C.Kim^ (2018) Stimuli-responsive polypeptides for biomedical applications , Polymers 10 : 830
80. N. S.Rejinold, J. Yoo, S. Jon, Y.C.Kim^ (2018) Curcumin as a Novel Nanocarrier System for Doxorubicin Delivery to MDR Cancer Cells - In Vitro and In
Vivo Evaluation, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 : 28458-28470
81. Y.S.Kim, N.K.Nam, S.H.Seo, J.S.Lee, S.Yoo, I.Yoon, Y.C.Kim, H.W.Lee, J.Ahn (2019) Identification of novel immunogenic proteins against Streptococcus
parauberis in a zebrafish model by reverse vaccinology, Microbial Pathogenesis 127 : 56-59
82. J.H. Ha, D.Y.Lee, S.H.Lee, C.O Yun, Y.C.Kim^ (2019) Development of Apoptosis-inducing Polypeptide via Simultaneous Mitochondrial Membrane
Disruption and Ca2+ Delivery , Biomaterials 197 : 51-59
83. J.Park, H.Lee, G.S.Lim, N.Kim, D.Kim, Y.C. Kim^ (2019) Enhanced Transdermal Delivery by Simultaneous Treatment of Sonophoresis and
Iontophoresis , AAPS PharmSciTech 20 : 96
84. N.S.Rejinold, H.G. Kim, A.F.Isakovic, D.L. Gater,Y.C.Kim^ (2019) Therapeutic vitamin delivery: Chemical and physical methods with future
directions, Journal of Controlled Release 298 : 83-98
85. N.S.Rejinold, K.Cherukula, J.H. Ha, I.K.Park, Y.C.Kim^ (2019) Hyaluronic Acid Stabilized Ultrafine Theranostic Photo Nano emulsions:
Near Infrared Light Triggered Nanoplatform for On-Demand Thermo-Chemotherapy, Advanced Therapeutics 1800154
86. S.Manouchehri, B.Bagheri, S.H.Rad, M.N.Nezhad, Y.C.Kim, O.O.Park, M.Farokhi., M.Jouyandeh, M.R.Ganjali, M.K.Yazdi, P.Zarrintaj, M.R.Saeb
(2019) Electroactive bio-epoxy incorporated chitosan-oligoaniline as an advanced hydrogel coating for neural interfaces, Progress in Organic Coatings
131 : 389-396
87. Y.S.Kim, N.Karisa, W.Y.Jeon, H.Lee, Y.C.Kim^, J.Ahn (2019) High-level production of N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide, a calibrant of heart
failure diagnosis, in Escherichia coli, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 103 : 4779-4788
88. D.Y.Lee, S.H.Lee, I.Noh, H.Ryu, J.H. Ha, S.D.Jeong, J.Yoo, T.J.Jeon, C.O Yun, Y.C.Kim^ (2019) A helical polypeptide-based potassium ionophore
induces endoplasmic reticulum stress-mediated apoptosis by perturbing ion homeostasis, Advanced Science, 1801995
89. C.I. Shin, Y.C. Kim^ (2019) Delivery of Niacinamide to the Skin using Microneedle-like Particles , Pharmaceutics, 11, 326
90. W.G.Bae, H.Ko, J.Y.So, H.Yi, C.H.Lee, D.H.Lee, Y.Ahn, S.H. Lee, K. Lee, J. Jun, H.H.Kim, N.R.Jeon, W.Jung, C.S.Song, T.Kim, Y.C.Kim, H.E.Jeong
(2019) Snake fang–inspired stamping patch for transdermal delivery of liquid formulations, Science Translational Medicine, 11, eaaw3329
91. B.Bagheri, P.Zarrintaj, S.Surwase, N.Baheiraei, M.R.Saeb, M.Mozafari, Y.C.Kim^, O.O.Park (2019) Self-gelling Electroactive Hydrogels based on Chitosan-
Aniline Oligomers/Agarose for Neural Tissue Engineering, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 184, 110549
92. C.Jeong, I.Noh, N.S.Rejinold, J.Kim, S.Jon, Y.C. Kim^ (2020) Self-assembled supramolecular bilayer nanoparticles composed of near-infrared dye as a
theranostic nanoplatform for the effective encapsulation of hydrophilic drugs, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 6, 474-484
93. J.Yoo, N.S.Rejinold, D.Y.Lee, W.G.Koh, S.Jon, Y.C. Kim^ (2020) CD44-mediated methotrexate delivery by hyaluronan coated nanoparticles composed
of a branched cell-penetrating peptide, ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering, 6, 494-504
94 . B.Bagheri, P.Zarrintaj, A.Samadi, R.Zarrintaj, M.R. Ganjali, M.R.Saeb, M.Mozafari, O.O.Park^, Y.C.Kim^ (2020) Tissue engineering with electrospun
electro-responsive chitosan-aniline oligomer/polyvinyl alcohol , International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 147, 160-169
95. I.Noh, MunSik Kim, Jeesu Kim, D.Y.Lee, D.Oh, J,Kim, C.Kim, S.Jon , Y.C.Kim^ (2020) Near-infrared phospholipid bilayer nanovesicles for use as
photoacoustic image-guided chemo-thermotherapy, Journal of Controlled Release 320, 283-292
96. J.H.Shin, J.H.Lee, S.D.Jeong, J.Y.Noh, H.W.Lee, C.S.Song, Y.C.Kim^ (2020) c-di-GMP with influenza vaccine showed enhanced and shifted immune
responses in microneedle vaccination in the skin , Drug Delivery and Translational Research 10, 815-825
97. C.Jeong, J.Kim, Y.C. Kim^ (2020) Fluorescence color-changeable branched-form heptamethine cyanine dye as a redox-responsive multi-functional drug
delivery system for enhanced cancer diagnosis and chemophototherapy, Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 87, 187-197
98 .S.Kang, B.Kim, S.J.Yim, J.O.Kim, D.P.Kim, Y.C.Kim^(2020) On-chip electroporation system of Polyimide film with sheath flow design for efficient delivery
of molecules into microalgae, Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 88, 159-166
99. S.Kang, S.J.Jeon, S.Kim, Y.K.Chang, Y.C.Kim^(2020) Development of a pVEC peptide-based ribonucleoprotein (RNP) delivery system for genome editing
using CRISPR/Cas9 in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, Scientific Reports 10, 22158
100. C.Jeong, S.Uthaman, J.Kim, S.Pillarisetti, I.K.Park, Y.C.Kim^ (2021) Self-assembled heptamethine cyanine dye dimer as a novel theranostic drug
delivery carrier for effective image-guided chemo-photothermal cancer therapy, Journal of Controlled Release 329 , 50-62
101. J.Park, Y.C. Kim (2021) Topical Delivery of 5-Fluorouracil loaded Carboxymethyl Chitosan Nanoparticles using Microneedles for Keloid Treatment ,
Drug Delivery and Translational Research 11, 205-213
102. Q.T.Hoanga, D.Y. Lee*, D.G.Choi, Y.C.Kim^, M.S.Shim (2021)Efficient and selective cancer therapy using pro-oxidant drug-loaded reactive oxygen species
(ROS)-responsive polypeptide micelles, Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry 95, 101-108
103. S.D.Jeong, B.K.Jung, D.Y.Lee, H.M.Ahn, J.H. Ha, I.Noh, C.O Yun, Y.C.Kim^ (2021) Immunogenic cell death inducing fluorinated mitochondria-
disrupting helical polypeptides for combination cancer immunotherapy, Advanced Science 2001308
104. Y.S.Kim, H.J.Lee, M.H.Han, Y.C.Kim^, J.Ahn (2021) Efficient productioni of human growth factors in Escherichia coli by fusing with small protein
6HFh8, Microbial Cell Factories 20, 9
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123. N.Kim, S.Lee, H.Park, J.H.Ha, S.Kim, Y.C.Kim^ (2024) Development of Intracellular Nitric Oxide-donating Cell Penetrating Polypeptide as an Immunogenic Cell Death
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127. H.Park, I.Kang, S.Lee, M.Park, S.Kim, S.Y.Lim, H.Nam, D.Yun, S.Kim, Y.Kim, J.H.Jeong, K.Lee, H.K.Lee, Y.K.Lee, Y.C.Kim^ (2025) Local delivery of IL-12 mRNA and
indoximod prodrug potentiates antitumor immunity by increasing T cell effector function, under review
^ Corresponding author
* Co-first author